Monday, June 18, 2012

Are we that weird?

We have some amazing family members and friends in our lives, for whom we are extremely grateful.  Said family and friends have offered dozens of times to watch our baby for a day or evening so we can "get out and have time to ourselves." Thank you for the offer, but no thank you.

Adam and I talked about this phenomenon several times:  is it weird that we don't want to leave our 5-month old at ALL?  Is it bad that we're happiest at home with just the 3 of us playing together?  Are we horrible people for not wanting "couple time" if it means sacrificing our time with our baby?

I fully believe that someday, we will want to leave our baby to go out on our own.  I also fully believed that that day would have come already.  It hasn't.

Perhaps it's because I work full time and Adam is tackling school and work: as we already spend 8-hours a day away from Little Dude, we can't imagine spending one more second away.  I'm not convinced that this is it, though--even when I was on my 11-week maternity leave, the last thing I wanted to do was to leave him.

It has nothing to do with not trusting others to take care of him, even though we all know that no one takes better care of him than Adam and I do ;-)  There are plenty of people that I would trust to (temporarily) watch my baby.  I honestly think it's because we've wanted the little one for so long that we don't want to waste a precious second of our time with him.

So, what about couple time?  Admittedly, we do need to do more things with just the two of us.  We used to go mini-golfing, bowling, to the movies, out for dessert, etc.  We don't anymore.  We do, however, have every evening together, with just the two of us, after baby goes to sleep.  

As of this fine June evening, we're happy with how things are.  We're happy to spend all of our time with our baby, and our baby, only. He won't be 5 months old forever, after all, and we want to cherish every second, every one of his coos and smiles.  It won't be long before he's a mouthy teenager and we'll need these moments to look back upon to keep our sanity.  


Autumn said...

This is so great to read, Katrina, as so many people have been making negative comments to me about how Ray and I will never get to have free time together or go and do the things we want to do anymore. It's helpful to hear that you aren't even WANTING those things right now-- definitely makes the parenting prospect much less daunting. Thank you for sharing this!


Katrina said...

Glad to help! It's just different now.....we are still around each other, but it's as Mommy and Daddy. And we love it!!

Katrina said...

Glad to help! It's just different now.....we are still around each other, but it's as Mommy and Daddy. And we love it!!